6 Pengertian dan Contoh Short Functional Text

Mr Min

Ada macam-macam short functional text. Berikut adalah 6 pengertian beserta contoh short functional text, yang meliputi :

  1. Announcement text
  2. Letter
  3. Advertisement text
  4. Message
  5. Brochure
  6. Tip


Announcement (Pengumuman)

Announcement is something that spoken, written, or published to make others know that something is happen or will happen. (Announcement adalah sesuatu yang diucapkan, ditulis, atau dicetak untuk membuat orang lain mengetahui sesuatu yang terjadi atau yang akan terjadi.)


Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pengumuman bentuk tulis adalah:

Judul atau jenis peroistiwa (the title or type of the event)

Tanggal atau waktu (date or time)

Tempat (place)

Orang atau alamat yang dapa dihubungi (contact person or address).


6 Pengertian dan Contoh Short Functional Text



To All Third Grade Students

All library books have to be returned on the twenty-second of May, 2013. They should be covered with non-colorful wrapping plastic. Lost books must be replaced with the ones of similar subjects. Fine will be charged to the late return of the books. Students who have handed on all books will get receipts that have to be submitted to the administration officers.


Library Staff




Owing to bad weather, the basketball match between Grade X-1 and Grade X-5, originally scheduled for tomorrow, 6th May, is now put off until 9th May. The match between Grade X-2 and Grade X-4 will be held on 11th May. Final Match will be held on 15th and 16th May.

Sports Club


Letter (Surat)

Letter is a message that written or type on paper and usually it is entered in an envelope and sent to someone. (Letter adalah sebuah pesan yang ditulis atau dicetak diatas kertas serta biasanya dimasukkan didalam amplop dan dikirim pada seseorang.)


Surat dapat berbentuk:

Surat resmi (formal), misalnya surat lamaran kerja dan surat kepada kepala sekolah.

Surat tidak resmi (informal), misalnya surat untuk saudara atau teman akrab.


Bagian-bagian surat:

Alamat pengirim surat (tanpa nama) berada dikanan atas.

Tanggal, bulan, tahun penulisan surat yang ditulis di sebelah kanan atau kiri atas.

Salam pembuka (salutation)

Isi surat (Body)

Salam penutup (Complimentary close)


Jalan Srikandi 15



1st July 2013


Dear David,

How are you? I am writing to invite you to my birthday party on 5th August 2013.

It will be very great because I invite all our friends. My mother will make me a huge birthday cake. I am sure you will be delighted. Do you still remember Jeanny, Selvy, Adit, and Justine? I have asked them to bring their musical instruments. After dinner we can dance and sing together.

I am looking forward to you.


Sincerely yours,




Advertisement (Iklan)

Advertisement is annouucement or promotion in public about some product or service. (Advertisement adalah pengumuman atau promosi secara umum tentang sebuah produk atau jasa.)


Media iklan komersial meliputi papan iklan/pengumuman (billboards), radio, TV, majalah, surat kabar, pamfet, dsb.



Low Airfares

New York_____Berlin___________$349

New York_____San Francisco_____$239

New York_____Bombay_________$538


San Francisco__Paris____________$456


All flights make at least one stop with a change of aircraft.

Tickets must be purchased two weeks in advance.

Once ticketed, any alteration will cost $25.00.

No refunds.



Brochure (brosur)

Brochure is tiny a piece of paper that contented information about something. (Brochure adalah lembaran tipis yang berisi informasi tentang sesuatu hal.)


Characteristic of Brochure(Ciri brosur):

Menggunakan headlines, terdiri atas kalimat pendek dan sederhana.

Menggunakan jenis dan ukuran huruf yang mudah dibaca.

Menyakinkan pembaca untuk melalukan sesuatu atau membeli produk tertentu.

Menjelaskan sisi baik suatu produk.

Mencantumkan alamat atau orang yang dapat dihubungi dengan jelas.



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It’s All Here To Enjoy Like Never Before-All You Have To Do Is Ask.


To Make A Reservation, Please Call Intan Hotel, Bandung at (022) 20354448 or visit our website at www.intan.com


Message (pesan)

Message is oral or written information that sent or given to someone because sender can’t speak directly to the recipient. (Message adalah informasi lisan atau tertulis yang dikirim atau ditinggalkan untuk seseorang karena pemberi pesan tidak dapat berbicara langsung dengan orang tersebut.)



Hanif, don’t forget to submit your assignment to Mr. Joko at two o’clock this afternoon. Put it into envelope. Mr. Joko will be expecting us in Room 206. Please be on time. Send me your reply.



Hi Eva

Brian and I are planning to go to Andi’s house tonight. Do you want to join with us?





Tip is an advice about something that simple. We can hear it from radio, TV or read it in magazine or internet. (Tip adalah nasihat mengenai sesuatu yang praktis. Kita dapat mendengarnya dari radio, TV atau membacanya dari majalah atau internet.)



To remove dark marks caused by a bad suntan, add 5 table spoons of rose water to one tablespoon of lime juice and apply to face or affected area at night. Wash off with water the next morning to find clear beautiful skin.

To keep your skin and body smelling nice the whole day, add dried rose petals to your bath water. You are sure to smell lovely the whole day. No need for an expensive perfume!



You’ve probably got minor infection. Sometimes it takes long to go away. The important things is to get plenty of rest. Take sometimes off work and you’ll probably be back to normal in a few weeks time.

