Descriptive Text, Pengertian, Generic Strukture Terlengkap dan Contohnya

Mr Min

Salam semangat ! hai buat kalian yang ingin mempelajari bahasa inggris dengan cepat dan mahir. Pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membahas tentang cerita. Dijamin deh habis baca artikel ini kamu pasti pingin cepet-cepet buat cerita yang menarik. Kali ini kita akan membahas tentang descriptive text . Dalam bahasa Indonesia di kenal dengan teks deskritif.

Pengertian, tujuan , generic structure, ciri kebahasaan serta contoh descriptive text.

descriptive text

Pengertian Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is the text to describe about thing, person, animals , place and so on. Jadi teks deskriptive text ditulis untuk mendeskripsikan benda, orang, hewan dan lain-lainnya yang dapat di deskripsikan. Deskipsi tentang orang biasanya menampilkan identitas orang tersebut serta ciri fisik, karakter, dab aktivitasnya. Deskripsi hewan biasanya tentang ciri-ciri fisik, tempat tinggal, kebiasaan dan kesukaannya. Sedangkan deskripsi tempat menerangkan letak/lokasi, bagian , ciri khusus dan hal yang menarik dari tempat tersebut.

Tujuan Descriptive Text

Descriptive text bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dan mengungkapkan atau mendeskripsikan ciri-ciri dari benda, orang, hewan , tempat dan lain-lainya. Desciptive text dibuat tanpa melakukan penelitian secara detail jadi penulis hanya menulis cerita descriptive text berdasarkan apa yang ia lihat dan ia dengar.

Generic Structure dalam descriptive text

Dalam menulis teks deskripsi kita harus memperhatikan beberapa hal berikut ini :

  1. Identification , yaitu bagian yang memperkenalkan tentang topik apa yang akan kita ceritakan dan memperkenalkan tokoh pemainnya
  2. Description , yaitu bagian yang menggambarkan atau mengungkapkan tentang ciri-ciri khusus , sifat, kesenangan , kebiasaan tokoh nya

Ciri Kebahasaan dalam Descriptive text :

  1. Menggunakan simple present tense
  2. Menggunakan kata sifat atau adjective
  3. Menggunakan to be seperti (am,is,are)
  4. Menggambarkan object atau tokohnya dengan spesifik
  5. Menggunakan bahasa yang menarik

Contoh Descriptive Text tentang IBU

I Do Love My Mother

My mother is a beautiful person. Her name is Endang Pamulatsih but I usually call her “Mboo”. She is not tall neither short. I think her body is perfect. She has curly hair and black but she wears hijab now. Her color skin is brown. She has beautiful smile and she is 53 years old. My mother has a pointed nose and little eyes.

She is very kind person,patient,and loves to help people. Her job is a teacher. She teaches in Junior High School. She teaches maths,I think math so difficult but my mother be patient to teach her student. She is a busy woman but I don’t care about it, because she has full love to give her family. She is a very good wife and mother. She always takes care of her family. She likes cooking and she is a good cook. I think it’s most delicious dishes in the world. She loves sing and I think her voice is sweet.I like when she invite me to go to shopping. When other mothers who were gathered there, she never join it. Because she doesn’t like to talk about other people.

She can be a doctor for family. If I’m sick she gives medicine and always beside me to accompany until I’m well. She can be a teacher to family. She teaches me about anything. She teaches me about cooking,about the college and about love. How to choose a man who deserves to be my companion. She always listen to my story about love. If I’m broken hard she is beside me and gives me her best advice. She hugs me when I cry and used to kiss me when I fell down. When the family have a problem she always be with us to help us and gives us all her love.

She is never angry with anyone. She is really patient and she is like an angel I think. I like her smile. I hope I can see her smile until I’m old. And she also can see that I graduation,until I get married. I love her so much, her sincerity is very significant in my life. She is more important than anything. I’m very happy to have a mother like her and I’m proud of being her daughter. I do love you forever mom.

Demikian lah pembahasan kita kali ini , semoga bermanfaat.

Originally posted 2024-05-07 03:09:10.
