Kumpulan Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP Dan Kunci Jawaban tentang Kinds of Job

Mr Min

 “Apa cita-citamu nanti ketika besar?”

“… Dokter”

“… Pilot”

“… Astronot”


Percakapan diatas mungkin sudah familiar atau serimg kita dengar. Ada yang menanyakan cita-cita dan kemudian dijawab dengan jenis pekerjaan yang diinginkan. Berikut adalah kumpulan soal bahasa inggris beserta kunci jawabannya untuk SMP kelas 7 semester 2. Semoga bermanfaat.


Kumpulan Soal Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP

A. Listening : Listen to your teacher reading this text, then fill in the missing word with the text provided.


What will I be when I grow up?


When I (1)… , I will work with animals. I don’t know which job yet.

Maybe like my brother. He’s (2)… . He looks after (3)… , some just out of egg. He says that snakes are easy, as they don’t have any legs. My father is (4)… . he works to save (5)… . Some are really clever and can even say some words, “how do you do.” My mother is (6)… . she loves (7)… big or small. Once she styled a poodle, it looked just like a ball. My sister, she (8)… . they practice in the pool. She hears the dolphins talk and sing. That sounds really cool.

So many jobs to choose but which one’s right for me? Because I’m only ten years old, I’ll have to wait and see.



  • a scientist
  • a special vet
  • scary snakes
  • rare birds
  • grow up
  • dogs
  • a dog groomer
  • trains dolphin

Kumpulan Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP Dan Kunci Jawaban tentang Kinds of Job

B. Match the jobs with their descriptions below!

  1. _________ is a person who flies airplane
  2. _________ is a person who helps sick people
  3. _________ is a person who draws picture
  4. _________ is a person who puts out fire
  5. _________ is a person who flies spaceships
  6. _________ is a person who teaches kids
  7. _________ is a person who fixes teeth
  8. _________ is a person who plays music
  9. _________ is a person who catches criminals
  10. _________ is a person who helps sick animal
  11. _________ is a person who does experiments
  12. _________ is a person who plays sport


Option :

  • artist
  • doctor
  • police
  • astronaut
  • firefighter
  • scientist
  • athlete
  • musician
  • teacher
  • dentist
  • pilot
  • vet

Kunci jawaban Soal Bahasa Inggris untuk SMP

A. Listening : Listen to your teacher reading this text, then fill in the missing word with the text provided.

  1. grow up
  2. a special vet
  3. scary snakes
  4. a dog groomer
  5. dogs
  6. a scientist
  7. rare birds
  8. trains dolphin


B. Match the jobs with their descriptions below!

  1. pilot
  2. doctor
  3. artist
  4. firefighter
  5. astronaut
  6. teacher
  7. dentist
  8. musician
  9. police
  10. Vet
  11. scientist
  12. athlete

Demikianlah contoh soal Bahasa Inggris dan jawaban terkait materi kinds of job. Semoga bermanfaat.
