Contoh Soal tentang Mendeskripsikan Seseorang dalam Bahasa Inggris

Mr Min

Vocabularies about someone’s appearance

Kosa kata tentang panampilan seseorang

Pointed (mancung)

Tall (tinggi)

Curly (keriting)

Slim (ramping/langsing)

Straight (rambut lurus)

Wavy (rambut bergelombak)

Oval (muka oval)

Green eyes (mata berwarna hijau)

Blue eyes (mata berwarna biru)

Brown eyes (mata berwarna coklat)

Black eyes (mata berwarna hitam)

Fat (gemuk)

Flat nose (hidung pesek)

Short (pendek)

White skin (kulit putih)

Black skin (kulit hitam)

Brown skin (kulit coklat)


Contoh Soal tentang Mendeskripsikan Seseorang dalam Bahasa Inggris


Contoh soal

Text A

Nani :
hello Vika. Who is the girl that sits beside you in this photo?
Hai Vika. Siapa gadis yang duduk disampingmu di foto ini?

Vika :
she is my niece. Her name is Vienna.
Itu keponakanku. Namanya Vienna.

Nani :
where does she come from?
Dari mana dia?

Vika :
she is from Singapore. She lives with me here.
Dia dari Singapura. Dia tinggal denganku disini.

Nani :
what is she like now?
Seperti apa dia sekarang?

Vika :
she is tall. She has straight hair, white skin, oval face but she has flat nose.
Dia tinggi. Dia punya rambut yang lurus, kulit putih, muka aval, tetapi hidungnya pesek.

Nani :
is she fat now?
Apa dia sekarang gemuk?

Vika :
No, she is not. She still slim such in the photo.
Tidak. Dia masih langsing seperti difoto.

Nani :
where is she now?
Dimana dia sekarang?

Vika :
she is going to bookstore.
Dia sedang pergi ke toko buku.


Text B

Marta :
hey guys! Look at this picture!
Hey teman! Lihat foto ini!

Bunga :
who is the man?
Siapa lelaki itu?

Marta :
I think he is Lusia’s father.
Kufikir dia adalah ayahnya Lusia.

Bunga :
I don’t think so. Lusia’s father is fat. He has curly hair, round face and black skin. But I din’t know if he is Lusia’s step father.
Aku tidak berfikir demikian. Ayahnya lusia itu gemuk. Dia memiliki rambut keriting, muka bulat dan kulit hitam. Tetapi aku tidak tahu kalo dia bisa jadi adalah ayah tirinya Lusia.

Marta :
so who is he?
Jadi siapa dia?

Bunga :
Maybe he is Lusia’s uncle. If not, her step father.
Pamannya Lusia mungkin. Kalau tidak, ya ayah tirinya.

Martha :
then, who is she? Who is the woman beside him?
Lalu? Siapa dia? Perempuan yang ada didekatnya?

Bunga :
I think she is Lusia’s mother.
Kufikir itu ibunya Lusia.

Martha :
are you sure?
Apa kamu yakin?

Bunga :
yes, I am. Lusia’s mother is beautiful and slim. She has white skin, round face, pointed nose. And she is tall.
Iya. Ibunya Lusia cantik dan tinggi. Dia memiliki kulit yang putih, buka yang bulat, hidung yang mancung. Dan dia tinggi.

Marta :
is the boy Lusia’s little brother?
Apakah anak laki-laki itu adalah adik Lusia?

Bunga :
I never see him before.
Aku belum pernah melihatnya sebelumnya.

Suddenly Lusia comes
Tiba-tiba Lusia datang

Martha :
Lusia, who is the man here?
Lusia, siapa lelaki difoto ini?

Lusia :
Oh that’s my step father.
Oh, itu ayah tiriku.

Bunga :
so, the little boy here is your step little brother?
Jadi anak laki-laki ini adik mu?

Lusia :
You are right. She is my mother with my step father and my step little brother.
Ya, kamu benar. Itu ibuku dengan ayah tiriku dan adik tiriku.



Questions and its key answers

  1. Who is Vika’s niece?
    Answer : Vienna
  2. Where does she come from?
    Answer : Singapore
  3. What is Vienna like?
    Answer : She is tall. She has straight hair, white skin, oval face but she has flat nose.
  4. With whom does she live?
    Answer : With Vika
  5. Is Vienna fat?
    Answer : No, she is not. She is slim.
  6. Is the man in the picture is Lusia’s uncle?
    Answer : No, he is not. He is Lusia’s step father.
  7. What is Lusia’s father like?
    Answer : Lusia’s father is fat. He has curly hair, round face and black skin
  8. What is Lusia’s mother like?
    Answer : Lusia’s mother is beautiful and slim. She has white skin, round face, pointed nose. And she is tall.
  9. Is Lusia has step mother?
    Answer : No she is not. She has step father and step little brother.
  10. Bunga : I never see him before. The word him refers to…
    Answer : Lusia’s step little brother/the kid in the picture/the boy in the picture



