Kumpulan Generic Structure Narrative Text Terlengkap

Mr Min

Narrative Text bertujuan untuk menghibur para pembaca atau pendengar. Narrative text menggunakan tenses jenis past tense atau tenses yang menunjukkan waktu lampau. Berikut adalah kumpulan generic structure dari narrative text.


Generic structure narrative text

Berikut adalah generic structure narrative text :

  1. Orientation
    Berisi pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu.
  2. Complication
    Masalah mulai muncul
  3. Resolution
    Masalah selesai, cerita berakhir
  4. Coda (Tidak selalu ada)
    Pesan moral atau amanat.

Kumpulan generic structure Narrative text

  1. Snow White
    characters : snow white, snow white’s uncle, snow white’s aunt, and seven dwarfs.
    time : a long time ago
    setting : in the forest and in the snow white’s castle
    b. Complication
    Snow white ran away from home when her aunt and uncle were having breakfast.
    c. Resolution
    Snow white and the seven dwarfs lived happily ever after.
    d. Coda
    A good people will find the real happiness.
  2. How the owl saved his friend

    characters : owl, elephant, and Demon King.
    time : a long time ago
    setting : in the forest
    b. Complication
    The Demon King dreamt that he had eaten an elephant and they wanted to kill the elephant to make his dream came true.
    c. Resolution
    The owl and the elephant met the Demon King and the owl pretended a dream in which married the queen of Demon.
    d. Coda
    Don’t be egoist!
  3. Mouse deer and Crocodile

    characters : mouse deer and crocodiles
    time : a long time ago
    setting : in the river
    b. Complication
    Mouse deer wanted to across the river but there are many crocodiles
    c. Resolution
    Mouse deer finally can across the river safely.
    d. Coda
    Don’t be stupid!
    Be smart!

    Kumpulan Generic Structure Narrative Text Terlengkap

  4. Ande Ande Lumut
    characters : Ande Ande Lumut, kleting kuning, kleting hijau, kleting merah, step mother, crab ginat.
    time : a long time ago
    setting : in the jungle, river, house.
    b. Complication
    Ande Ande Lumut want to marry with one of klenting.
    c. Resolution
    Ande Ande Lumut choosed Kleting kuning as his wife.
    d. Coda
    Do good things and you will get better one!
  5. Jaka Tarub

    characters : Jaka Tarub, Nawang Wulan
    time : a long time ago
    setting : in the river
    b. Complication
    Jaka Tarub took Nawang Wulan’s shawl when she took a bath in the river.
    c. Resolution
    Jaka Tarub married with Nawang Wulan.
    d. Coda
    Don’t stole!
  6. Timun Mas

    characters : Timun Mas, Timun Mas’ mother, giant
    time : a long time ago
    setting : in a village
    b. Complication
    Timun Mas would be taken by Ginat.
    c. Resolution
    Timun Mas killed the giant.

Demikianlah kumpulan generic structure narrative text. Semoga bermanfaat. Artikel terkait lainnya dapat diakses pada link berikut.

Generic Structure Narrative Text tentang ‘Roro Jonggrang’ beserta Artinya

Penjelasan Narrative Text serta Generic Structure ‘The Smartest Animal’ dan Terjemahannya

Generic Structure Narrative Text tentang Lake Toba
