Contoh Daily Activity untuk Pelajar

Mr Min

Daily activity atau aktivitas yang dilakukan sehari-hari merupakan suatu aktivitas yang sering dilakukan dan diulang-ulang setiap harinya. Berikut adalah contoh dari daily activity atau aktivitas keseharian seorang pelajar beserta contoh soal yang mungkin ditanyakan.


Contoh Daily Activity Pelajar

My name is Salma. I am SMP student. I always get up at 5.00 in the morning. I take a bath at 5.15 and get dressed at 5.35. Then I prepare my school utensils. At 6.00 I have breakfast. Then at 6.15 I say good bye to Mummy and Daddy. I go to school by bicycle.

The school starts at 7.15 and I go home at 1.20 pm. I have lunch at 2.00 pm. After that I take a nap until 3.00 pm. Then I do my homework. I take a bath at 4.00 pm. After taking a bath I help my mother in the kitchen. We cook our dinner.

I and my family have dinner at 6.30 pm in the evening. After I have dinner I study my lesson for the next day. At 9.30 pm I say good night to my Mummy and Daddy and go to bed. Before I sleep I turn off the lamp first.

Contoh Daily Activity untuk Pelajar

Namaku adalah Salma. Aku siswa SMP. Aku selalu bangun tidur jam 5 pagi. Aku mandi pada pukul 5.15 dan ganti baju pada pukul 5.35. kemudian aku menyiapkan peralatan sekolahku. Pada pukul 6, aku sarapan. Kemudian, pada pukul 6.15 aku berpamitan pada ibu dan ayahku. Aku pergi kesekolah naik sepeda.

Sekolah dimulai pada pukul 7.15 dan aku pulang kerumah pada pukul 1.20 siang. Aku makan siang pada pukul 2. Setelah itu, aku tidur siang sampai jam 3. Kemudian, aku mengerjakan PR ku. Aku mandi pada pukul 4 sore. Setelah mandi, aku membantu ibuku didapur. Kami memasak untuk makan malam.

Aku dan keluargaku makan malam pukul 6.30 malam. Setelah itu aku belajar pelajaran untuk hari besoknya. Pada pukul 9.30 malam, aku berpamitan tidur pada ibu dan ayahku. Sebelum aku tidur, aku mematikan lampu kamarku terlebih dahulu.



 Contoh Soal Daily Activities

  1. What time does Salma always get up in the morning?
    Answer : She always gets up at 5.00 am.
  2. What activity does she usually do before having breakfast?
    Answer : She prepares her school utensils.
  3. What time does she usually go to school?
    Answer : She usually goes to school at 6.15 am.
  4. What does she do at 2 pm?
    Answer : She has lunch.
  5. Does she do her homework at the afternoon?
    Answer : yes, she does.
  6. How does she go to school?
    Answer : She goes to school by bicycle.
  7. What does she do after taking a bath?
    Answer : She helps her mother in the kitchen to cook their dinner.
  8. Does she learn her lesson for the next day in the afternoon?
    Answer : No, she doesn’t. she learns it in the evening.
  9. What time do the writer and her family have dinner?
    Answer : They have dinner at 6.30 pm.
  10. What does she usually do before sleeping?
    Answer : She turns off the light.


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