Artikel Bahasa Inggris tentang ERRORS ANALYSIS (method)

Mr Min

Salam semangat pembaca sekalian, semoga kabar baik menyertai anda selalu di setiap harinya. Bahagia sekali saya masih bisa selalu berbagi ilmu ke pada pembaca semua khususnya dalam bidang bahasa Inggris. Kalau sebelumnya kita sudah membahas tentang Abstract dan Introduction pada sebuah artikel jurnal, kali ini tiba giliranya Method yang akan kita kuliti hingga terbuka inti sarinya. Berikut ini contoh Method dalam sebuah artikel jurnal sebagai referensi anda.

Artikel Bahasa Inggris tentang ERRORS ANALYSIS (method)


Artikel Bahasa Inggris tentang ERRORS ANALYSIS (method)


This research was designed in the form of qualitative research, especially in descriptive method. The method was intended to describe exactly a phenomenon or problem that researcher had seen. It meant that the researcher would like to investigate the use of simple present tense and to identify the grammatical errors in using simple present tense in students’ descriptive text writing based on surface strategy taxonomy. In this way the researcher collected the data from the students’ descriptive text writing and investigated them whether the students used correct simple present tense or error, and identified the errors based on surface strategy taxonomy in order to conclude the result.

This research connected to the second grade of senior high school year 2012/2013 in MAN 1 (Model) Bandar Lampung. There were ten classes of second year students. Then the researcher took one of the classes, that was XI.A1 to be investigated about the use of simple present tense and the grammatical errors in their descriptive text writing.

In conducting the research, the researcher needed the instrument to get the data to be observed. In this research, the researcher used the students’ writing as the instrument to make a descriptive text according to the material that had been learnt before. To make the students not confused in determining what about they would write, the researcher gave three topics to be chosen by the students, they were “My idol in my life”, “My Best Friend”, and “My lovely brother/ sister”.

The procedures of the research were determining the subjects of the research, administering the research by giving the writing test, analyzing the data, and finally formulating the research finding. In order to know the use of simple present tense and its grammatical errors in students’ descriptive text writing, the researcher analyzed the result of the students’ writing by collecting the data from the students and determining whether the use of simple present tense was used in well-formed or error done by the students. In this step, the researcher classified the use of simple present tense into a table whether the tense was used in correct form or error, identifying the errors made by the students. In this step, the researcher identified the errors in student’ descriptive text writing by underlining the errors, coding, and classifying the errors of using simple present tense in students’ descriptive text writing to find out the frequency of errors. Each error was classified by using surface strategy taxonomy, and finally displaying the data, the researcher used the qualitative method to treat the data, then the researcher determined the most frequent up to the least frequent error type as the result of the errors in using simple present tense in students’ descriptive text writing by using percentage, calculating the data taken and making the percentage in each category. In calculating the data in each error, the researcher employed the following formula:

 X 100%

In which,

P : Percentage of each error

n1 : Total of the given error

 : Total of the whole error

By calculating the error frequency, the researcher could identify the most common error made by the students.
