Perbedaan Simple Present Tense dan Simple Past Tense

Mr Min


(Simple present tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatanatau kegiatan yang berlangsung atau terjadi pada waktu sekarang bentuk sederhana, kegiatan yang dilakukan berulang-ulang, kebiasaan sehari-hari, dan suatu kebenaran umum/ general truth.)


 Perbedaan simple present tense dan simple past tense


Pattern Verbal (Dengan Kata Kerja)

( + ) Subyek + Verb 1 + (s/es) + O/C

( – ) Subyek + do/does + not + Verb 1 + O/C

( ? ) Do/does + Subyek + Verb 1 + O/C


Pattern Nominal (Tanpa Kata Kerja)

( + ) Subyek + to be (am, is, are) + O/C

( – ) Subyek + to be (am, is, are) + not + O/C

( ? ) To be (am, is, are) + Subyek + O/C



Time signal (Keterangan waktu) yang dipakai:

  • Today : Hari ini
  • Every day : Setiap hari
  • Every week : Setiap minggu
  • Every month: Setiap bulan
  • Every year : Setiap tahun
  • Every (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday)
  • Once a week: Seminggu sekali
  • Once a month: Sebulan sekali
  • Once a year : Setahun sekali


Contoh kalimat Simple Present Tense Verbal:

(+) I kick the ball.

(-) I don’t kick the ball

(?) Do I kick the ball?


(+) He kicks the ball.

(-) He doesn’t kick the ball

(?) Does he kick the ball?


Contoh kalimat Simple Present Tense Nominal:

(+) I am smart.

(-) I am not smart.

(?) Am I smart?


(+) He is handsome.

(-) He is not handsome.

(?) Is he handsome?


Contoh Dialog

Ali : Hey Guys! Does Andi go to Bandung once a month?

Nia : What? I don’t think so. Andi goes to Bandung once a year.

Ali : He always says with me like that.

Nia : I am his neighbor so I know him.

Ali : Okay, I believe you!



(Simple past tense adalah kalimat yang menyatakan bahwa suatu kejadian terjadi pada saat/masa lampau)


Pattern Verbal (Dengan Kata Kerja)

( + ) Subyek + Verb 2 + O/C

( – ) Subyek + did + not + Verb 1 + O/C

( ? ) Did + Subyek + Verb 1 + O/C


Pattern Nominal (Tanpa Kata Kerja)

( + ) Subyek + to be (was/were) + O/C

( – ) Subyek + to be (was/were) + not + O/C

( ? ) to be (was/were) + Subyek + O/C


Time signal (Keterangan waktu) yang dipakai:

  • This morning (tadi pagi)
  • Yesterday (Kemarin)
  • Last night (Tadi malam)
  • Last week
  • Last year
  • Last month
  • Last (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, …)
  • Two weeks ago
  • Three weeks ago


Contoh kalimat Simple Past Tense Verbal:

(+) I played football yesterday.

(-) I didn’t play football yesterday.

(?) Did I played football yesterday?


(+) He played football yesterday.

(-) He didn’t play football yesterday.

(?) Did He played football yesterday?


Contoh kalimat Simple Past Tense Nominal:

(+) I was very busy last week.

(-) I was not very busy last week.

(?) Was I very busy last week?


(+) They were very busy last week.

(-) They were not very busy last week.

(?) Were they very busy last week?


Contoh dialog:

Ali : Did you study last night?

Nia : Yes, I did. How about you?

Ali : I did not study last night. I helped my mother to make a cake.

Nia : Wow! Did you so busy yesterday?

Ali : No, I did not. I was not too busy yesterday. I made cake after maghrib.

Nia : What did you do before maghrib?

Ali : I played basketball with my friends yesterday.

Nia : I am so sorry to hear that.



Choose the correct answer!

  1. Did your father (plant, plants, planted) corn?
  2. The doctor didn’t (go, went, gone) to the public health centre.
  3. Mita (play, plays, played) hide and seek last night.
  4. They (write, wrote, written) a letter this morning.
  5. Wina (tell, told, telling) a story last week.
  6. The giant (destroy, destroys, destroyed) the temples and houses last year.
  7. They didn’t (dig, digs, dug) a deep well.
  8. The singer (sing, sang, sung) ‘Maju Tak Gentar’ song this morning.
  9. She (play, plays) Volleyball every week.
  10. It (eat, eats) bone every morning.
  11. Did Roni (collect, collects, collected) limestone near the well?
  12. The doctor (sit, sits) on the chair every morning.
  13. The student (study, studies) Math everyday.
  14. The teachers (teach, teaches) Match everyday.


Complete the dialog below!

Vita     : (Do/Does) you (read/reads) a newspaper everyday?

Braja   : No, I (don’t/doesn’t/didn’t). I (read/reads) a novel everyday.

Vita     : (Do/Does) you (study/studies/studied) English everyday?

Braja   : Yes, I (do/dies/did). I (study/studies/studied) English and (read/reads) novel everyday.

Vita     : By the way, what (do/dies/did) you do last week? I (see, sees, saw) you in the bookstore.

Braja   : I (buy/buys/bought) a book.

Vita     : Okay I see. I must go now. See you!

Braja   : See you.


Change Into positive, negative, or interrogative form!


1.(+) He is lazy

(-) He is not lazy.

(?) Is he lazy?


2.(+) Jaka arrived in Makasar Yesterday.

( -) Jaka didn’t arrive in Makasar Yesterday

(?) Did Jaka arrive in Makasar Yesterday?


3.(+) You were angry with me last week.

(-) You were not angry with me last week.

(?) Were you angry with me last week?


4.(+) He gives me white rose every my birthday.

(-) He doesn’t give me white rose every my birthday.

(?) Does he give me white rose every my birthday?


5.(+) Rara and Riri are twin.

(-) Rara and Riri are not twin.

(?) Are Rara and Riri twin?

